2023-05-19 16:23

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Posting Peg Bitten By Dangerous Dog Highlights Dangers To Postal Delivery Workers

The true nature of the risks being taken by post men and women who deliver our mail can be seen by the fact that a poster peg has saved the hands and fingers of the user, despite it being bitten by a dangerous dog.

Highlighting this event is a staunch reminder to CWU's delivery members working for Royal Mail, that this device prevents serious injury from being bitten by a dangerous dog as they deliver mail through and unguarded letter box.

image: damaged postal peg by a dog biteWriting on the CWU's North West Health & Safety What's App group, Mark Evans (Sub Area HS Rep Greater Mersey branch) included the image of the damaged post peg.

Mark wrote:

'A known dog hazard has just taken the tip off this posting peg, emphasising the importance of posting pegs at the letter box. The dog is in ORA but I believe we should escalate our controls.

However because this is a broken posting peg and not a bitten finger it shows how robust our dog control measures can be when used properly.

This posting peg has saved the business money & the owner potential criminal or civil action.'

All postal delivery staff are encouraged to use this simple item when delivering mail. You never know what is behind that letter box!

This can lead to this:

But it is not just the damage to the hand and fingers to consider after being bitten.

The reality is that infections, including tetanus and rabies, need to be of concern after being bitten by a dog. Simply washing the area of the bite is not enough. Victims MUST seek specialist treatment which may well include the need for tests and or vaccination against both tetanus and rabies.

Even a 'small nick' can be a risk whenever flesh is broken by a dog bite.

It is therefore imperative that a person bitten by a dog gets immediate medical attention from the NHS. Pharmacies are unable to provide tetanus and rabies vaccination or testing of the bite.

Additionally, mental health of bite victims can be detrimentally affected after a dog attack, and talking to a local Mental Health First Aider may help; given the stigma that can exist around mental heath and the tendency to minimise the incident with jokes and even ridicule if the bite is perceived by others as being a minor incident.

Source: Mark Holt / CWU / NHS

See also: Dog Attacks – 34% Increase Recorded By Police

Pic: Bak to News icon link

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